Say Hello to Destiny - Our Diva Dog!


We are excited to introduce you to the star of our YouTube channel, Bark Adventures with S. A. Crow - Destiny! She is a black lab and border collie mix who's around 9 years old and is a rescue dog. Destiny is not just an ordinary dog, she's our neighborhood watch and a provider of fur for birds in the area to use for their nests each year.

Destiny is a diva dog who loves to be pampered, and we make sure she gets all the love and attention she deserves. She's a loyal companion who loves to mimic a rug on our hardwood floor. You can check out her playful and adorable personality in the video we posted earlier this week on our YouTube channel.

I’d like to go into more detail on how Destiny found us. We were running an errand of delivering a letter of eviction for a friend one autumn evening. When we pulled up to the house a small black bit of fluff ran toward the car and jumped into my lap and licked my neck. I let her out of the car thinking she belonged to the house we were delivering the letter to.

Needless to say, the delivery didn’t go well and they didn’t know who the dog belonged to. We went around to a few other houses and knocked asking if they had lost a puppy, holding this ball of fluff up for inspection. No one knew anything and so in fear of her getting hit on the dark road. I picked her up and took her home with us.

We posted photos of her on local lost dog lists and called a few pounds to check but got no word. Believing that she was a dropped dog, we took her to a vet and got her the things she would need.

She became our Destiny.

We are thrilled to share our adventures with Destiny with all of you. In the coming weeks, we'll be posting more videos, including one about our black lab and whippet mix dog, A.J. So, make sure to stay tuned and subscribe to our channel so you never miss an update from us.

We believe that spending time with your pets is one of the best things you can do for both yourself and your furry friend.

We hope you enjoy our videos as much as we enjoy making them. Don't forget to use our hashtags #doglovers #rescuedogs #petadventures #barkadventures #vanlifewithdogs to connect with our community of pet lovers.

Introducing Destiny and the YouTube Channel," the author S. A. Crow, the date of publication (June 14, 2023), and several tags that describe the content of the post. The tags include dogs, pets, YouTube, adoption, rescue dogs, black lab, and border collie. These tags help users find related content and provide context about the post's topic.
